Sunday 10 January 2016

The 2016 Barnet Council governance project - No 10 Complaints against Barnet Council services run by Capita

Todays request concerns the number of complaints by ward regarding services provided by Capita under the One Barnet program.

From: Roger Tichborne
Sent: 10 January 2016 22:21
To: ''
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Complaints regarding services provided by Capita under the One Barnet contract

Dear FoI Barnet,

Please can you provide a breakdown by ward of the number of complaints received by Barnet Council for services provided by Capita under the terms of the One Barnet Countract,

Please provide the following

a)      Number of complaints by ward per year
b)      Number of complaints by ward which were actually raised with Capita
c)       Number of Complaints by ward where documentary evidence of  remedial action was taken by Capita was presented to the Council

Many thanks

Roger Tichborne

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