Friday 2 August 2013

Barnet Council drops plans to appeal the CPZ verdict - We all get a refund !

Only in Barnet could they decide to bury a good news story! Hot on the heels of the decision of the appeal court to reject the One Barnet case brought by Maria Nash, the council has bowed to common sense and decided to abide by the ruling that the CPZ increase imposed by convicted criminal and thug, Councillor Brian Coleman, were illegal.

The Barnet Eye has supported the CPZ campaign from its inception. We featured David Attfield talking about the challenge in the film "A Tale of Two Barnets" which you can see here. David speaks very well and very passionately about the challenge. It is well worth watching the film. This was made a year ago, I watched the film again today. It is quite amazing to watch it again on this day when the CPZ campaign won and the One Barnet Campaign had a massive setback.

Congratulations to David Attfield on his victory.  Forward the film to 7:32 for David Attfields contribution. It is well worth reminding ourselves as to why David brought the case.

The Council issued the following statement

Statement on CPZ legal challenge

Published Friday 2 August 2013
From the Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Richard Cornelius: “After taking legal advice, we have decided not to appeal against the court`s judgement that the charges for CPZ were increased without going through the proper process.
"I am sorry that this was done in the way that it was.  The Court has ruled that the increase was wrongly implemented and so we will go back to the old charges.  Any change to these will have to go through the proper process.”
Residents who made payments at the increased rates for their annual charges and/or for visitor vouchers will be refunded the difference in charge and should fill out an e-form on Barnet Council’s website, providing details of their name, telephone number, address, permit ID if they have it and car registration number. 
Alternatively they can email the council at or write to; Parking Team, CPZ Parking Refunds, London Borough of Barnet, Building 4, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London N11 1NP
Residents are requested to apply for refunds by email or in writing, rather than telephoning the Council, to ensure this can be done quickly. We will aim to get the process completed in eight weeks.
Contact Press Officer: Sue Cocker
Press Contacts

I suppose that today just goes to prove, you win some and you lose some. 

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