Wednesday 20 April 2011

Mrs Angry Exposed

It transpires that Barnets very own Mrs Angry is married. I was wondering why she is so obsessed with leaving comments on the blog for Havering GLA rep Roger Evans. It has all become clear. Her better half is Mr Angry of Havering. Anyway, following her recent saucy post, aimed at raising the blood pressure of certain elderly gentlemen around the country, the ever diligent Barnet Eye has found a picture of her, taken by her better half, practising her one handed blogging technique - Click here to see Mrs Angry in action - ENJOY


Roger Evans said...

That's not my blog...

Mrs Angry said...

Rog: between us we've managed to flush Mr Evans out of his lair ... look - and his dear little face. You know I am his number one fan. It's true, you see, that we have a certain history: but don't worry, Mr Evans: what happens in Romford, stays in Romford.

I'm not sure what saucy post you mean? Yesterday's blog was about different models for local government, Mr Tichborne. Oh, and I hear Mr Harper is still very keen on Model X.

Rog T said...

Oops, sorry Roger, changed & corrected

Roger Evans said...

Many thanks.

Mrs Angry said...

Isn't past your bedtime, Mr Evans?