Thursday 14 October 2010

Barnet Future Shape : Dodgy figure alert ?

The figures for many of the Barnet Future Shape cuts are detailed in this document

I was once given some advice by a forensic auditor. It is easy to tell when figures are real and when figures are made up in such documents. The real ones are generally fairly random numbers and the made up ones are fairly round numbers.

If I was Councillor Lynne Hillan, Councillor Bran Coleman, Councillor Mark Shooter, Councillor Andrew Harper or any of the other Barnet Councillors who want to become movers and shakers, I'd want to look at how all of these numbers were arrived at. It's pretty clear to me that all of this is, shall we say, open to further scrutiny. Lets see if our ruling Tory Councillors can be bovered.

Of course I'm sure Councillor Robert Ramsbottom thinks this paper is marvellous.

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