Tuesday 21 April 2009

Top GLA Tory issues grovelling apology

Yesterday I wrote a scathing blog about Tory GLA leader Roger Evans comments. I confessed in my blog yesterday that I thought I'd misjudged the man. I'd originally put him in the "sensible" Tory camp. I thought he was better than his comments. Well it seems that Roger has taken some time to reflect and has concluded that yes, he is better than that. Today Roger posted a blog entitled "I was wrong and I apologise".

I was shocked when I read it. This is a proper heartfelt apology, clearly written by someone who realises they've been stupid. I can't recall the last time I saw such a statement by a politician. We all make mistakes, we all do stupid things. I believe you judge a man by how he makes amends. I still think his comments were crass and stupid, but I'm sure we've all said things we've regretted later.

Seeing that Roger Evans clearly is a man of dignity and principle, I'd say that the GLA Tories are lucky to have such a leader. There are plenty of examples of politicians on all sides who have screwed up and not had the balls to admit it. I think that ordinary people on all sides should take not of his apology and commend him for it. Maybe that will encourage a few others to follow his example and make amends.

1 comment:

Don't Call Me Dave said...

In Barnet, sorry does seem to be the hardest word.