Sunday 26 April 2009

They're crafty old sausages, those Hendon Tories

Those Hendon Tories are a crafty bunch. If you visit their website :-

There is a link which says :-

PEOPLE - How to contact your Conservative Councillors and representatives

Now if you want to tell Matthew Offord or any of his cronies how useless they are, actually clicking the link is a bit of a waste of time, because it doesn't do what it say on the tin. It just gives you a list of Conservative principles. I suppose they've twigged that there won't be too many people telling them how marvelous they are !

I've made a point of posting Nice pictures of our local Tories, taken from their website, but they've told me that they are copyright and so I'm not allowed anymore. If you want to see some nice pictures of Matthew, I'd suggest that you google Hendon Conservatives blunder using Google images. There are some crackers !

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